Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bow Hunting Stories

Fellow Bow Hunters
Well how about it? Are you one of those people who has to dust off all your hunting equipment and figure out what you broke, lost,overused or just forgot from last years hunt?
Or are you that archer that keeps his equipment in fine working order all year and practices regularly?
Either way, it is about that time again. You can begin to feel that slight fever rising. You have that urge to practice more. Your minds eye can just see that rack growing each day and the velvet is getting itchy. Bow hunting deer, bow hunting elk, bow hunting bear or what ever your favorite is, it is getting closer to that moment of truth.

My name is Jerry G. and I have been hunting about as long as I can remember. My dad made my brother and I little wooden guns when we were about 7 & 8 years old. He then took an old inner-tube and cut half inch strips making large rubber bands. He used a clothes pin on the back of the wooden gun as a trigger mechanism and whaala-we had real hunting pistols. When we were not shooting each other or mom, we would go out in the back field and hunt. It didn't really matter what we were hunting, we let our imaginations rule the day. I have been hunting ever since.

Even after over 45 years of hunting, I still enjoy all the various aspects of hunting. The seasonal weather changes, starting my bow hunting supplies list of needs, wants and wishes and the phone calls from hunting buddies wondering where we should go for opening. All this gets me to thinking about seasons past and the great stories told around the evening camp fire.

This is what this blog is about. Hunting prep.,trips,hits and misses and the stories told round that camp fire that somehow explains it all. I would love to hear your stories of how the season makes its way into your life. How you saw the biggest buck ever, missed and had to settle for a small deer on the last day. Please chime in, I know there are stories out there that just need to be told, albeit sans camp fire. We like stories about bow hunting deer,bow hunting elk or just bow hunting in general.

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